The „European Enterprise Award” founded by the European Commission in 2005 acknowledges and awards such initiatives that support entrepreneurial activities on a regional level.
The jury consisting of European entrepreneurs, leading businesspeople, and scientists as well as the representatives of the European Commission and the governments of the member states met in Brussel in 2009 to rate 47 entries in five categories chosen from 350 entries. The jury sent 13 tenders to the final, which included the ANTI-BUREAU project of Miskolc Holding Zrt. as the only Hungarian as well as Central and Eastern European contender. The final announcement was held on May 13th, 2009, in Prague as part of the closing ceremony of the European SMEs week.
The ANTI-BUREAU project displayed the initiative regarding the central management of the asset of the Municipality of Miskolc and easier access to services. Main aspects of which are the more transparent and more efficient operation, better services, establishment of a single management system, clearer and simpler administration based on entrepreneurial approach of the municipal asset. As a result of the programme, the previously oversized bureaucratic system became simpler and more cost-efficient, while the resolution of the clients’ problems became more efficient, the maintenance costs have been reduced and the process of administration became quicker.