Miskolc is a Competitive Investment Place as per the Financial Times.
In 2008, the fDi magazine of the Financial Times deemed the economic region of Miskolc to be highly attractive based on foreign direct investments. Among the European cities, the jury chose Miskolc as the 16th investment site in the list of 25 places based on the rating system.
The jury acknowledged the economic potential of Miskolc with the award, main elements of which are:
- established industrial infrastructure, industrial sites with available public utilities,
- favourable logistics,
- available workforce,
- higher education and research institutions in the city as science background,
- economic potential of the city,
- development projects under preparation or in progress.

In 2008, Miskolc was listed as the 16th most attractive European investment place among the 25 places proposed for investment by the Financial Times fDi Magazin. In 2010, Miskolc was listed even higher in the competition of the fDi Magazin.
In 2009, the fDi magazine of the Financial Times announced the tender called “European Cities and Regions of the Future” again, the purpose of which is to identify and focus on the most attractive cities and regions based on development policy. Miskolc submitted its tender for the second time to the competition that is held every two years.
In 2010, Miskolc achieved – based on the decision of an independent jury – the 4th place in Central and Eastern Europe in the category of investment promotion among European cities and regions, and the city was awarded with the 4th place among “micro” cities (with a population less than 250 000) as well.
The significance of these awards is that Miskolc successfully participated in the competition of the fDi magazine of the Financial Times for the second time, which is considered a kind of compass by investors..
The research carried out by the staff of the Financial Times magazine was part of the decision-making beside the submitted tender documents of cities and regions. The jury made their decision regarding the cities and regions in the category of investment promotion based on the following aspects:
- the most important initiatives and programmes for investment promotion,
- introduction of the main sectors of the city with a focus on investment options,
- grants proposed for investors and typical costs thereof,
- significant infrastructure and urban development projects,
- supportive, investor-friendly municipality, “one-stop-shop” administration.

In 2009, Miskolc received the European Business Award in the category of reduction of bureaucracy as the only Eastern European tenderer.
The „European Enterprise Award” founded by the European Commission in 2005 acknowledges and awards such initiatives that support entrepreneurial activities on a regional level.
The jury consisting of European entrepreneurs, leading businesspeople, and scientists as well as the representatives of the European Commission and the governments of the member states met in Brussel in 2009 to rate 47 entries in five categories chosen from 350 entries. The jury sent 13 tenders to the final, which included the ANTI-BUREAU project of Miskolc Holding Zrt. as the only Hungarian as well as Central and Eastern European contender. The final announcement was held on May 13th, 2009, in Prague as part of the closing ceremony of the European SMEs week.
The ANTI-BUREAU project displayed the initiative regarding the central management of the asset of the Municipality of Miskolc and easier access to services. Main aspects of which are the more transparent and more efficient operation, better services, establishment of a single management system, clearer and simpler administration based on entrepreneurial approach of the municipal asset. As a result of the programme, the previously oversized bureaucratic system became simpler and more cost-efficient, while the resolution of the clients’ problems became more efficient, the maintenance costs have been reduced and the process of administration became quicker.

In 2009, Miskolc was awarded with a certificate by ITD Hungary Zrt. for the successful participation in the Programme for Investor-friendly Cities.
On November 6th, 2009, Miskolc was awarded for successfully participating in the Programme for Investor-friendly Cities by ITD Hungary Zrt., the purpose of which is to help the experts of the municipalities in how they should develop their cities for them to become a competitive investment site. The Ministry of National Development and Economy, and the Hungarian Investment and Trade Development Agency (ITD Hungary Zrt.) acknowledged the investment promotion system and the preparedness of the investment promotion staff of Miskolc with the “Investor-friendly” certificate, both of which are exemplary in Hungary too.

2012: “Investor-friendly City” title
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade as well as the Hungarian Investment Promotion Agency (HIPA) acknowledged those companies in eight categories which significantly contributed to the development of the Hungarian economy with their decisions on investments in 2014 and with their commitment to their Hungarian activities.
The biggest greenfield investment of previous years was carried out in the Miskolc Southern Industrial Park when Takata settled down in Miskolc and started to employ about 1000 people.
In 2014, the Miskolc Southern Industrial Park was awarded the “Investor-friendly Industrial Park of the Year” title
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade as well as the Hungarian Investment Promotion Agency (HIPA) acknowledged those companies in eight categories which significantly contributed to the development of the Hungarian economy with their decisions on investments in 2014 and with their commitment to their Hungarian activities.
The biggest greenfield investment of previous years was carried out in the Miskolc Southern Industrial Park when Takata settled down in Miskolc and started to employ about 1000 people.

2016: “Investor-friendly City” title
In 2016, Miskolc was awarded for the third time with the title of “Investor-friendly City”, because it successfully finished the course of the Hungarian Investment Promotion Agency (HIPA).
The entries were rated by the leaders of HIPA and outside experts, following which they awarded 34 Hungarian cities and towns with the title of “Investor-friendly City”, including Miskolc, which previously, in 2009 and then in 2012 received this award.