Miskolc Holding Önkormányzati Vagyonkezelő Zrt., founded in 2006, is a key economic player, one of the strongest groups of companies and employers, with a registered capital of approximately HUF 17.5 billion in the city and region of Miskolc. Its member companies provide the services necessary for the daily life of the city (district heating, waste management, public transport, parking system). It also deals with town development, renewal of the cityscape, town maintenance, coordination of downtown rehabilitation, and economic development and investment management tasks.

The mission of Miskolc Holding Zrt. is to develop the city's economy in accordance with the city's strategic objectives.

The mission of Miskolc Holding Zrt. is basically determined by three activities:


Economic development

IWith our innovation capacity, we want to become a key player in the city's economic organization and urban development activities. Investors are served by a one-stop-shop, which provides support in conducting official procedures. In addition, we are at the disposal of our partners by gathering and passing on the information needed to make economic decisions. The management of the city of Miskolc is committed to increasing the number of permanently successful production and production-service enterprises and to creating new jobs.


Investment incentive

With its one-stop shop system, it seeks to create an investor-friendly environment for businesses looking to relocate.

The Municipality of the City of Miskolc gives priority to companies intending to settle in industrial parks, so it takes maximum account of investor needs when purchasing land, issuing building permits and preparing development plans, and is at the disposal of the settling companies with fast and accurate administration.

Supported administration at authorities

  • Direct assistance by Miskolc Holding Zrt. during land development, land registry and other official licensing procedures.
  • Direct support of Miskolc city with county rights during official licensing procedures.
  • One-stop-shop administration of Miskolc Holding Zrt. in procedures conducted with the authorities.
  • Assistance in coordination with utility companies.


Enterprise development

  • Within the framework of the Economic Development of Miskolc Holding Zrt., Enterprise Development deals with the support of local enterprises, the solution of any problems that may arise, and the promotion of economic recovery and investment-promoting developments.
  • One of the key tasks of Enterprise Development is to support enterprises located in the existing industrial parks in Miskolc (Miskolc Southern Science and Technology Park and Mechatronics Industrial Park). It is important to maintain contact with the companies, to handle and settle the cases and problems that may arise, and to contact the bodies and authorities competent in connection with the resolution of the case.
  • Our goal is to develop and optimize industrial parks, in connection with which we also conduct surveys among companies located in industrial parks.
  • Enterprise Development also pays great attention to supporting companies operating in the city, outside of the industrial parks. In case of questions or problems, we are at your disposal.


Urban development

Miskolc Holding Zrt. contributes to the continuous and dynamic development of the city of Miskolc with its urban development activities. Our decisions are influenced by our sense of responsibility to our people, our employees and our natural environment.

Corporate development

The goal of our corporate development strategy is to create a modern corporate and operational structure that aims to increase the efficiency of member company operations while maximizing synergies. It is our honorable responsibility to provide the residents of Miskolc with a wide range of reliable services. We are constantly developing our residential services, with our expertise we provide high-quality, efficient and sustainable services, and we contribute to improving the quality of life of city residents.


Member companies of Miskolc Holding

Miskolci Városgazda Nonprofit Kft.
MIHŐ Miskolci Hőszolgáltató Kft.
MVK Miskolci Városi Közlekedési Zrt.
Miskolci Fürdők Kft.
MIKOM Miskolci Kommunikációs Nonprofit Kft.